Tuesday, February 3, 2015

I dare you

Dye your hair purple,
Paint your lips green,
Break the mirror,
Never look at it again.
Scream until your throat hurts,
Dance until your chest burns.
Embrace the danger and fearlessness
Until you're finally limitless.

Disappoint everyone,
Your mother, your father,
Especially yourself.
Run away from the norm,
From all deemed acceptable,
Breathe and take off that stupid mask.
Let those tears fall down,
All the frustration out,
And that laugh brewing inside.

Make a stupid mistake,
Learn from that error.
Make another one.
And another.
And never stop.
Don't you ever dare to stop.

Take a chance,
A crazy second,
Then maybe,
Just a little,
You'd actually live,
And feel alive,
Even just for a while.